Non-adherence to treatment, especially for long-term conditions, is a major health problem

Patient support Observance Chatbot Mobile app 

Structured data clinical studies Therapeutic advice Phonebot

 Non-adherence rates vary by disease, treatment, and study population. However, it is estimated that non-compliance with treatments for chronic diseases (respiratory, cardiac, renal insufficiencies, neurological disorders, etc.) can reach an average of 50% for patients with long-term conditions.

The reasons for non-adherence are multiple and complex. They can include factors such as lack of understanding of instructions, perceived side effects, financial constraints, lack of motivation, depression, lack of social support, etc.

 To date, it is mainly patient associations and home healthcare providers who support these patient support needs. In this context, therapeutic assistance chatbots or phone bots are an effective and scalable solution to support patients continuously, while collecting data useful to manufacturers for improving their treatments.


Contact us

 1. Tailor-made training based on your therapeutic program

Our solution is developed by learning from your knowledge bases, typically therapeutic support histories, medical reports, product bases, etc. 

2.  White label deployment on the channels of your choice (mobile applications, websites, IP telephony)

We adapt to your existing channels and can also take charge of the complete development of mobile applications or white label websites.


 3.Guaranteed performance

The AI ​​that we develop is based on Large Language models trained and operated in-house, we give them very strict conditions to ensure the relevance of the results and not to go outside the framework authorized by your program. A recipe is organized to allow you to note the relevance of the results over a sufficient number of sessions. In addition, the AI ​​also collects feedback from your patients in terms of structured data for which we produce a precision measurement.

HDS SaaS or on premise solution


depending on the number of patient users, their level of use and the data collected

Guaranteed accuracy

Gain of precision for clinical research associates: PraxyData makes it possible to check 100% of case reports and Medical Reports

Scalability and speed

The solution is quickly deployed with dedicated mobile applications (white label)