About Us

Note vision: a practical & integrated AI offer for medical language analysis

We provide a multi-channel (web, smartphone, telephony, physical consultation) and integrated (Health Space, medical software) AI suite that allows practitioners to reduce their administrative time, improve the quality of therapeutic monitoring, and speed up data collection. data for clinical studies

Discover the IA@Consultation assistant

Simple solutions integrated into the activity of practitioners

Nos solutions intégrent les standards des SI Santé Françaos (DMP, MSS)

Le compte-rendu et données à extraire des consultations sont générées en 20sec maximum, et validées par vos soins

Discover our products

A multidisciplinary team from Health, AI and consulting and software development

Damien Forest, CEO

Damien has a career in technology startups, consulting and industry, notably marked by the development of an autonomous robotics company (Rovenso), the management of operations of a Water tech company (Castalie), and more recently the transcription of a Business Unit in health services (La Poste Health & Autonomy)

Rian Touchent, 

AI scientist dans le cadre d'un doctorat conseil 

Rian is passionate about AI (ex. president of the ECE AI association), and is currently working with INRIA and as part of the Oncolab program on a thesis in data extraction for medical language

Benoit Fage, 

Full stack engineer, lead back end

Benoit is passionate about technology, and has experience in software development in energy, cybersecurity.

Jorge Korgut, Full stack engineer

Passionate about development Jorge is very versatile and is a key person in the development of our front end applications 

Augustin Berthod, Full Stack Developer

Augustin is versatile and specializes in front end development, with successful experiences in the development of autonomous robot control web software, or even energy efficiency pilot solutions.

Julien Paul Vedani, 

Advisor relation patient

Doctor in Mathematics & Actuary, Julien is also president of an association of MS patients. He holds a DU Health democracy - Medicine - Patient partner, and helps us in the design of products involving patients

Jorge Lozano, Country Manager Spain

With more than 15 years of experience in digital transformation and industry, Jorge is driving the development of our activities in Spain, a market very focused on the digitization of health. 

Mikael Chelli,  Orthopedic surgeon, co product owner

Mikael is both a practitioner (othopedic surgeon and traumatologist) at the ICR, and founding entrepreneur of the startup  Easymedstat  which facilitates clinical research work.